9/18--Brandon LOVES to eat crab legs. I don't get it. I can't stand them. Anyway, Grandma and Grandpa treated us to seafood while at the Outer Banks. Brandon jumped on that offer and got his favorite meal. While he was eating, he commented,
9/19--Whit found a very pretty rock on the beach and said,
9/25--Ate dinner at Wendy's. Brandon didn't finish his kids meal because he was "too full." As we were driving away and telling him he didn't need any snacks tonight he said, "I'm seriously full! I couldn't consume another bite."
Drew: Brandon, you crack me up. "Consume?"
B: Yes. I have a very advanced vocabulary.
That's it! Only three things!
We gotta supplement a little here.
This was fun:
Grandma brought Brandon a Mentos and Diet Coke Geyser.
so that was our Family Home Evening activity this week.
a tube and a trigger to pull.
Here's how it went down:
It was awesome!
I had crappy camera work, though.
Didn't expect it to go THAT high.
Neither did Whit.
She got soaked!
I had crappy camera work, though.
Didn't expect it to go THAT high.
She got soaked!
Here was Whit's new talent of the month:
Looks dangerous, right?
(She was not injured. Phew.)
One random funny:
Andrew and I are surprised/disturbed/laughing
at some of the names of kids in kindergarten at
our kids' school. Are you ready for this?
(Yes, I took photos. I needed visual proof
or you would think I was making these up!)
together: Xandrea, Precious, Jewelia, and the
show-stopper: VOLTRON.
(Click to enlarge--I'm not joking!)
I feel much safer knowing that the
Defender of the Universe is just down
the hall from Whit.
And, finally, this month's bonus pics of Care Bear:
She's sixteen months old now.
curious, and playful. She loves animals...
especially from a distance.
Apparently, she's into safety because she found
B's helmet and put it on before her bike ride.