The end of another month already? Here ya go.
11/5--At school W said about one of her classmates, "Oh, yes, Michael and I could be brother and sister because we are both so beautiful."
11/14--I was on the computer today and Whit was in the office with me. She said, "I'm going to start working out today. I want to be strong like Daddy." How cute is that? She dropped to the floor and started doing push-ups.
11/15--W was watching a movie with some scary creature and I asked her, "What is that guy called?" Her answer was clever: "I don't know. [pause] Well, his name isn't 'I don't know.' I just really don't know his name."

Witty AND fashionable

Caroline wants to follow in her footsteps

and can't wait for her hair to grow in.
11/15--Here are the types of things that Brandon thinks about when he's in the bath: I wish I could make my own "Mythbusters." I would get a motor boat and put it in a pool. Then I'd take a dummy and nail and screw it to the rudder. Then I'd turn on the boat and see if he could hold on to the rudder. Man, I wish I could do that. Can that be my science fair experiment? Or what about mentos and coke? I want to figure out how that works.

Always scheming up something
11/16--We attended a baptism at church today. I played the piano and Whit was sitting with Megan, who was a faithful sideline reporter and shared these gems with me.
"Maybe when I'm 18, I can read."
"I like Primary because it's fun and special."
And the kicker: "I can tighten up my brain," as she proceeded to go red-faced with exertion.
11/16--W has apparently built up some inner little-girl angst because twice when she was annoyed, she has asked, "Do you think I'm a jerk?" in a very confrontative voice. Yikes.

Don't get on her bad side!
11/19--For W's Thanksgiving feast, they made gratitude placemats. Here are some of the things she was thankful for:
The sky
When my family goes fun places
Mommy, Daddy, Brandon, and I love Caroline so much!
Purple, pink, and red
Giraffes because their necks are high

I'M grateful for these three.
11/21--Andrew and I went to Jeremy's "Rock Band" birthday party tonight and we dressed like rock stars. Or at least I thought I did. When Brandon saw me he said, "Yea, you kinda look like a rock star....and ya kinda look like an idiot." Ouch. Whitney was in the other room and when she saw me she said, "You look like a disaster." When I told her that wasn't a nice thing to say to her mom, she said, "I meant a GOOD disaster." Oh, of course you did.

Even if they were right, they're
not supposed to say it!

Caroline didn't want to be left out.
(This is what happened when I asked
B and W to watch her for five minutes.)
11/22--Whit will go through phases where she just loves to throw out compliments all day. It's great for the ego. But sometimes the comments leave us scratching our heads. Today she told Andrew, "Daddy, you're nice...and not ugly." Ok.
11/30--I started making dinner tonight before I realized that my recipe required milk...and we're all out. So, I improvised and came up with something else. When I brought it to the table I gave my disclaimer, "I hope this is good, but we were out of milk, so I had to make do." I guess the kids are not familiar with that expression. After we blessed the food, she lifted her plate and said, "I want some 'do'."
Parting shots
Two different friends had commented about
their hubbies falling asleep on the couch
with the kids recently. That never happens
around here. Brandon hardly ever sleeps!
But, Caroline and I were gone all afternoon
and this is what we came home to:

How sweet!
And here are Brandon's random photos for the month: