Warning: Cheesy attempt at poetry ahead
Caroline Rose, you're six months now.
You can't crawl yet, but you roll and you roll.
Rolling and rolling. Yikes--don't hurt yourself.
Watch out for that table and the bookshelf.
Ok, I was not meant to be a poet.
I'll stop there and leave the rhyming to Dr. Seuss.
Other random tidbits about Caroline:
I'll stop there and leave the rhyming to Dr. Seuss.
Other random tidbits about Caroline:
She is getting to be a big girl!
She's still pretty unstable, but can sit for a few
seconds at a time. She's more content
when she's on the go.
brushing her teeth. In fact, she cries when
we're done and it's time to put the toothbrush away.
Hooray for oral hygiene!
We started trying to feed her "solid" food at
four months. It has been a long, laborious process.
But she's finally getting it and enjoys eating
bananas, mashed potatoes, some baby foods and cheerios.
In fact, she likes them so much that she went on
a nursing strike for almost two full days this weekend.
That was SO not cool.
I won't go into all the details of my discomforts and worries,
but she has been nursing pretty well today, so I'm hoping
the strike is OVER.
to play with and is enamored with Little People right now.
which is awesome. (Third child syndrome?)
She'll fall asleep in her car seat if we're running
errands and even if she wakes up, is usually
in a good mood and will go back to sleep if I try
to put her in her crib when we get home.
She has given up her binky, which I'm happy about.
It was great while it lasted and now I don't have
to fight her to get it away when she's older.
The only time I really wish she would take one
is during Sacrament Meeting at church. :)
The flash washed out her face in this pic,
but you can see the color of her eyes.
(That's for you, Mom!)
They're still that blue-gray color for now.
At her six month check-up today, she weighed
in at 15 lbs 5 oz and was 25 inches long.
(Pretty average--between 25th and 50th percentile)
If we're at home, she'll take two good naps a day.
Most nights she sleeps from about 8 to 2 or 3.
Then I'll feed her and she'll go back to sleep until 7 or 8.
Not bad, but I'd love it if that first stretch lasted until 4 or 5.
I'll keep dreaming and wishing for that.
We think she is just the cutest little thing
and we're so blessed to have her in our family.
It was great while it lasted and now I don't have
to fight her to get it away when she's older.
The only time I really wish she would take one
is during Sacrament Meeting at church. :)
but you can see the color of her eyes.
(That's for you, Mom!)
They're still that blue-gray color for now.
At her six month check-up today, she weighed
in at 15 lbs 5 oz and was 25 inches long.
(Pretty average--between 25th and 50th percentile)
If we're at home, she'll take two good naps a day.
Most nights she sleeps from about 8 to 2 or 3.
Then I'll feed her and she'll go back to sleep until 7 or 8.
Not bad, but I'd love it if that first stretch lasted until 4 or 5.
I'll keep dreaming and wishing for that.
and we're so blessed to have her in our family.
Such a cutie! Your attempts of being a poet are so like mine - :). But wouldn't that make a cute little book for her. Might have to work on that! love, gigi
I can't wait to see her and kiss those little cheekies! (The ones on her face :-).
I just love her cute little face! I was disappointed yesterday- Max and Rob stayed home from church since Max had a cold so I was free to hold her! Oh well, I'll just have to steal her this upcoming Sunday:)
What an absolutely beautiful baby! Is she really 6 months old already?? YIKES! The rolling totally cracked me up - gotta love that stage where you turn your back for 30 seconds and then find the baby across the room and hiding under a piece of furniture for no good reason:)
The rhyming is good
And so is the meter.
But the pictures you sent
Are really much neater.
So thank you for caring
Enough to be sharing.
When all's said and done
There's nothing much sweeter.
What a cutie!
She's too cute! Love all the rolling pics.
Your rhyming ability
And verbal agility
Has me astounded
If Caroline misbehaves
You can say very grave
"Girl, now you are grounded!"
I think you did a great job rhyming! The photos are too cute!
she is such a cutie.
Cute, cute, CUTEST! SHe is just a delicious little munchkin and so full of life and energy - it shines through in each photo. THanks so much and we love you!
Grandma Sweat
She's so cute! I can't wait to see her again. She's going to look huge compared to Macy.
I think there should be more posting in rhyme from now on! Great pics of your little doll.
You're a poet and didn't even know it! Now you have me nervous about a nursing strike because we are going to start Tatum on solids soon.
Very clever. She is so Beautiful! What a smiley pants!
Darling! I can't wait for Matthew to start rolling and getting into funny predicaments, too! Happy Holidays!
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