*Almost ANYTHING can be terrifying to a 3 year old girl. Especially if it happens in a dark room/ride/theater. We had to have SEVERAL discussions about what's real and what's pretend.
*If in doubt, bring a stroller. I couldn't decide if it would be worth it to bring a stroller along for Whit. Oh...my...gosh....I don't know what we would've done without it. It was a life saver. And Brandon even had to take a couple of rides in it when his energy was completely zapped. SO glad we made that choice.
*My hair does not get along well with Orlando. Holy cow. It turned into a bigger, frizzier mess than ever! I had to wear it up and keep a baseball hat on almost every day. Nice.
*Kids LOVE to meet the characters, even if they have to stand in a long line to do it. I expected this from Whitney, but was surprised that Brandon wanted to see them as much as she did. (Though W would get almost uncontrollably excited when it was her turn it line. TOO cute.)
*Bring lots and lots of snacks and drinks from home. Did you know they allow this? I didn't realize it, but they even search your bags before you enter and let you bring in food. Yes! I bought lots of different snacks and brought along snack-size ziplocs and would re-stock our supply every morning before we went. It saved us a fortune! Keep in mind that we had two sick boys who basically fasted for two or three days straight, but I think we only spent about $75 on Disney food and we were at the parks for 5 days. Pretty darn impressive, don'tcha think?
*Disney World is a great place to re-emphasize lessons on sharing. Especially because all the little treats cost SO much.
*ANYTHING that gets a response like this:
*If you keep your kids up long enough (we found midnight to be the best time for ours), they eventually tucker out. I was beginning to wonder if there was any limit to their capacities, because we stayed at Epcot and the Animal Kingdom until they closed! (Magic Kingdom didn't close until 1 am, so we didn't quite make it for that one.)
*Some of the funnest experiences are the ones that are FREE. Like visiting the Lego Center in Downtown Disney. This was A HUGE hit with Brandon. Can you imagine?
equipment banned from most modern parks
because of liability concerns.
*While in Florida, take advantage of every opportunity you can get to purchase a Slurpee from
This is one of the things we sadly miss in NC--NO SEVEN-ELEVENS. Yea, there are other slurpee-substitutes, but they're just not quite the same as
*When surrounded by mobs of people, it helps if your husband is 6'6" or taller. I could always spot Andrew among the crushing throngs of tourists.
*A week at Disney World is an expensive, exhilarating, exhausting, magical family vacation. I loved it and will hopefully use some of these lessons to plan another trip when Caroline is potty trained in 3 or 4 years. :)