Thursday, December 04, 2008

Just doing my part

It's the time of year to be a little nicer.

To let cars merge.

To drop some change in a bell-ringer's bucket.

To take goodies to your neighbors.

It's time to look outside ourselves and do something for the greater good.

So that's what I did.

I made a sacrifice.

It wasn't easy.

I had to sit in a plushy leather seat.

I had to let my hands caress an ergonomically friendly steering wheel.

I HAD to rev the engine and see how much power it had after every stop.

It was my duty.

And it was AWESOME! Oh, man. I loved driving this car. My driving record would not be pretty if I had a car with this much power. It just begs to be driven fast. Really fast. (And it didn't help that I had recently watched Twilight with Edward's crazy driving, either!)

We helped raise almost $10,000 for breast cancer research and education. What a fun way to support a great cause.


Anonymous said...

That looks like one of the most enjoyable fundraisers I've ever seen! It looks like you, Andrea. Maybe Andrew will get you one for Christmas. :) Love ya, Gigi

The Normal Mormon Husband said...

Sssshhhh, Gigi! You'll ruin the surprise!


Anonymous said...

You go girl! You always have a big smile, but I've never seen you smiling quite as big as behind the wheel of that car. And what a great cause too.
Love you!
Grandma Sweat

The Oregonians said...

You mean you're giving up running for the cure?
Have you heard about the NASCAR
audible direction finder:
"Turn left, turn left, turn left, turn left...."

Sandy said...

What a trooper you are - taking one for the team like that:)

Anonymous said...

That's a cute little car. You should drive it across the country and come visit again. (-:

Destiny said...

Glad to see you know how to step up and help out. :)