DO visit the Lincoln Memorial.
There is a reverent feeling there that even my kids pick up on.
Very cool.
DO go in the spring when there are SO many GORGEOUS
flowers in bloom.
(But not the cherry blossoms. We missed those.)
Who even knew such a thing existed?
DO get at least one family photo
with everyone in it.
are looking at the camera.)
DO visit with multiple friends if possible.
DO ride the Metro.
Each person needs their own.
(We were afraid Andrew was going to get arrested
for a while because we accidentally went turnstile hopping.)
DO play Duck-Duck-Goose in the National Mall.
DO visit the National Zoo.
(But they did charge TWO whole dollars for a map.)
DO hang out at the Gorilla exhibit and hope for
a chance to see the baby gorilla.
DO visit the Giant Panda exhibit, too.
Impressive. And a little scary.
But DON'T drive to the zoo.
Especially on a Saturday.
Especially if you've slept in.
There will be no place to park.
You'll spend over an hour in traffic.
And then end up walking a mile and a half
with your six little munchkins to the entrance.
They'll be tired before they even get to see
their first animal. Not a great start to the day.
DO visit the National Museum of American History.
While there:
But DON'T drive to the zoo.
Especially on a Saturday.
Especially if you've slept in.
There will be no place to park.
You'll spend over an hour in traffic.
And then end up walking a mile and a half
with your six little munchkins to the entrance.
They'll be tired before they even get to see
their first animal. Not a great start to the day.
DO visit the National Museum of American History.
While there:
(Even better if your friend agrees to watch
five of the six kids for you, so the other adults
can actually enjoy it. Thanks, Christian!)
DO check out the gowns of the First Ladies.
But DON'T eat lunch in the basement cafeteria.
The food costs a fortune and isn't that good.
And DON'T waste your money on the ride simulators
down there either. Andrew and Brandon tried the Grand
Prix racing one. Andrew said it felt like he was playing a
video game from several years ago. Not worth it.
DO visit the Air and Space Museum.
Also free. Was I the only person who didn't know this?
DON'T get overly excited about touching the moon rock.
But we can say we've touched a piece of the moon!
Can you?
DO take cool pictures with lots of flags
and monuments in the background.
And that's a good feeling.
Overall, we HIGHLY recommend DC as a family vacation spot. We spent 2 1/2 days there, but would've loved to spend more time. There is so much to see! And almost everything is free. My vacation budget was loving that. Just make sure you bring your walking shoes. You'll need 'em.