6/1--Whit was snacking on almonds and excitedly said, "Mom, you HAVE to come look at this!" I came over to the table to find this:
6/1--B's class at school has been working on a science unit about butterflies. The students made observations and wrote notes in their journals. B's cracked me up, especially on 5/15:
6/2--Whit saw something on a kids show about "going green" and was talking about it when the show was over.
I asked her, "So what does it mean to go green?"
W: Your skin starts turning green!
Apparently the show didn't have the impact it was going for.
6/16--B's random thought of the day, "I wonder what it's like to be a sound wave."
Don't we all?
6/16--W's deep thoughts from the back seat: "What does 'simple' mean?"
After I explain a couple of definitions, she goes on.
"I don't know what a lot of hard words mean. I only know what Architeuthis means."
Oh, everyone knows what that means! (Scientific name for giant squid.) This girl is going to be a hoot for her kindergarten teacher.
6/18--Another deep thought from Whit: "When you put stuff between two pieces of bread, why do they call it a sandwich? I mean, the bread is the same color as sand. But why would they call it a witch? That's for Halloween!"
6/19--While out enjoying nature, Whit said, "A bug almost flew in my eye and I almost died!"
Drew: "You wouldn't DIE, sweetie."
W: "If it flew in my eye, I would!"
I guess her phobia is very similar to mine that a bug will climb in my ear and lay eggs.
6/20--We had some fun babysitters over for the kids tonight. When we got home, they told us that they set up a little obstacle course in the backyard for the kids. Brandon loved it, but Whit didn't want to do it. She told them, "I have weak ankles." Come on, girl. Get movin'!
6/21--Whit is really into telling jokes during dinner. Here's an example:
W: What did the house say to the patio?
We all came up with clever responses, but were wrong.
The correct answer, according to W: Where are you going with that umbrella?
B: I don't get it.
W: It was a getless joke.
I love it when global warming propaganda backfires! LOL!
I LOVE reading your OOTMOB! Your kids always sound so inteliigent. Moni would make an excellent K teacher for Whit.
"Getless joke"...LOVE IT!
I DO wonder what it would be like to be a sound wave....hmmm...
You know you're going to have to publish a book some day, don't you?
This was one of the funniest OOMB's I've read. Maybe I've just been missing the kiddio's during your road trip. W's comments killed me. Good job.
I love the weak ankles commment. She is going to have to work on those ankles for ballet!
I especially like that the butterflies were eating their poop "peacefully." Great use of an adverb, B!
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