5/6--Something you don't hear from your son every day, "Dad, my pig just exploded!" And unfortunately, he was right. B had this squeezable pig filled with some sort of gel and it ruptured all over his sheets, comforter, etc. Bleck.
5/10--Today was kind of a lame Mother's Day. Don't get me wrong, Andrew did his part--wonderful gift, pancakes for breakfast, cooked the dinner of my choosing.... But Brandon was sick and I had to stay home from church with him and my nephew Carson and Caroline. Not my idea of fun. Or Brandon's.
Anyway, to top it off, here were two of the things my kids had to say to me today.
B: "You have chicken pox!"
Um, yea. I noticed.
W: "You're not cute."
When I responded with my pouty face she came back with,
"You're PRETTY, not cute."
5/14 Carson has been staying with us this week. When Andrew got home from work, he was asking Whitney what she and Carson did today. "We played vampires. Carson was Edward and I was Bella." Whoa.
in the Twilight series where Edward and Bella
attend veterinary school together?
Speaking of Twilight,
after a ride home with the windows down,
Brandon looked like this:
"Mom, take a picture. I'm a vampire!"
5/19 While eating pretzels today, Whitney bit one into a little circle and said,
5/20 Breakfast table conversation this morning.
Me: Did you have any dreams last night?
W: No. I'm all out of dreams.
Me: Uh oh. What are you going to do about that?
W: I guess I need to go buy some more.
Me: Where do you do that?
W: There's a store in my closet called "Dream Sell." They sell dreams.
Later we were talking about when Whitney was a baby.
She said, "When I was a baby Caroline was still in heaven. Then she got into your tummy. Then she popped out just like popcorn pops out of a bag." Oh, sweetheart. I wish it was that easy.
5/31--As the weather has started warming up, there have been a few times when we've gotten into the van and it has been very hot. This is how Whitney described it, "It's as hot as a fire...or as hot as the sun...or as hot as a fire on the sun!"
Random pics of B
He's all skinny and masculine.
Not a little boy anymore.
2nd grade program at school.
walk home from the bus stop one day.
Random pics of W
She saw a girl doing handstands
in the park as we were passing by.
and did pretty good, huh?
Caroline pics
in the back. Too cute!
of her stroller. Please make it through
toddler-hood without a broken bone!
And, finally, this is for you, Gigi.
It could be a long time before we get another
one like this. We miss you, Carson and Sydney!