9/3--We were listening to a children's CD in the car today that had the song, "When the Saints Go Marching In." It's a new CD and we hadn't listened to that song before. After the line that says, "Oh, I want to be in that number..." Brandon asked, "I want to be in that HUMMER?" I don't think anyone wants to be in a Hummer these days, honey.
9/4--Brandon noticed a poster up in the hall at school. It says, "If you believe it's possible, it IS possible." Most people would read that and find some inspiration in it. Oh, no. Not B. He came home and said, "What about the kids that think they can fly? They can flap their wings really hard, but they're still not going to fly. Even if they BELIEVE it's possible." Technicalities.
9/18--Whit is a REALLY helpful little girl. She had gotten out the diaper changing basket for me and I had given her a very emphatic THANK YOU. As I was changing C's diaper, Whit made sure to tell her, "See, I'm a nice sister, Caroline....NOT a jealous sister."
9/21--During church today, Brandon was going through some little cards that we have with pictures of temples on them. He started "quizzing" Caroline. "Which temple is this?" Then he'd whisper in a high-pitched voice, "Washington DC." "Good job, Caroline!" It was so cute.
9/21--On the drive home from church, we were talking about possible Halloween costumes. Whit has some interesting ideas. "I want to be a tree. No, I want to be a bridge!!" Any ideas how I can put that one together? I'm hoping it was a passing fancy, because she hasn't mentioned it since.
9/21--We were sitting around in the living room today and Whit said, "Let's play dye-berry!"
Me: What's "dye-berry?"
W: It's where you die and then you get buried! But you just pretend die.
Hmmm...pretty morbid game, don'tcha think?
9/23--Out on our bike ride today, Whit was doing a GREAT job going up the hills and I was sure to compliment her....over and over. She said, "I've got good skills, Mom. Good LEG skills."
Look at Brandon's skills:
do this cool circus trick on his own.
(Sorry it's so short and there's no sound!)
9/24--When I was volunteering in B's classroom today, his teacher shared this story with me: Brandon was talking with some other kids and telling them about how in the future, they'll be able to make computer chips the size of atoms and molecules. The other kids looked at him like, "What's an atom?" His teacher said, "Brandon when you grow up to be a rich and famous scientist, will you remember me and share your money?" He told her, "I'll consider it." Well, at least it wasn't an automatic "No."(Sorry it's so short and there's no sound!)
I love these posts! Wow, when you have your daughters side-by-side like that picture - they look a LOT alike! Especially their smiles! Love the fauxhawk, too - much more feminine than a baby mullet!
Andi, those were great. I especially liked Brandon's insight about the inspirational poster. Wise, wise boy. You know, I always dreamed I could be an Olympic gymnast . . . ;-). And could Carline be any cuter? (Say that with a Chandler-from-Friends accent.)
This was too funny. I especially love Whit's ideas for Halloween costumes. Good luck making her into a bridge!
She is so darn cute.
Great words of wisdom again.
A tree would be easy. Brown sweatpants, green top, tap or glue leaves to the shirt. Obviously you wouldn't use the shirt again so find a cheep one.
I loved the video of Brandon! That is awesome that he has taught himself to do that. Hmmmm, what will he be doing in 10 yrs from now.
hahaha! should've asked whit about being a bridge tonight, just to plug that idea back in...
i'm commenting on your blog. you should feel very privileged! :)
Caroline has stylin' hair! Each picture is so cute - I love so much looking at your blog and being surprised with glee each time it's the "OTOMOB's" post - I forget every month that it's time for the update and so am forever surprised. Thanks so much - Brandon's comments never cease to amaze me - that kid! can't wait to hear what Whit actually ends up being for Halloween!
Grandma Sweat
Your kids are so dang cute!!! And funny :) I was crackin up reading those stories. Hope your all doing good!
I'm ever amazed at how you remember and jot down all these witty things your family says and does. It's going to be such cherished material for them!
Another classic OOMB. Great pics of the kiddios, too. Maybe Brandon will end up being a Scientist by day and an X-Games gold medalist by night? Pretty cool trick he pulled for a seven year old.
We absolutely love OOMB! We can't wait until Caden and his little sister are old enough to give us nuggets of wisdom.
Caroline is so cute and smiley! I wish we could see her again because she already looks so different. Macy is just starting to smile.
And yes, Whit has got good skills!
Thanks for the out loud laughs!
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