I have a couple different counters on this blog that I use to monitor my traffic and see who's been looking at the blog. It's just kind of fun to see which posts get a lot of hits and which ones don't. It's also fun to see when people from Germany or Brazil stumble upon your blog and leaves me wondering what in the world they think about it.
One of the counters I use is by Google Analytics. It has a very business-like layout and includes an easy way to see what search engine keywords have been entered to find your blog. Ok. My results crack me up. I had to share some of the searches that people have done to end up at this blog site. I'm sure many of them were sorely disappointed.
*ebeneezer beesley--When I saw this show up, I had to think, "Do I know an Ebeneezer Beesley?" I racked my brain and couldn't recall that name so I googled it myself and found my blog and found that it was a name entered by Grandpa Hiatt in a comment when I had posted about "High On The Mountain Top" being written by our great big Grandpa. However, our grandpa wrote the lyrics and Mr. Beesley wrote the music. Oops.
*church marquee sayings--This by far has gotten the most hits from my keywords. Now I feel kind of bad for bashing on them. People were probably looking for great saying to put on their own marquees. Oops again.
*things that bug me AND *things that bug me about my mom--I guess some people enjoy reading about the things that just absolutely drive other people crazy. I apologize to the second searcher. I try to avoid mom-bashing, especially on the blog. :)
*purple cast--Now if they were looking for a pic of a cute girl IN purple arm cast, these searchers got exactly what they wanted.
*andrew brandon oh no not the nativity--I didn't know people did keyword searches that were this lengthy. What kills me is that it turned up on TWO different searches. Interesting.
*car air freshener enjoy a pleasant scent anywhere you go--This one wins the record for longest search term. I don't believe you can call this a "keyword" search anymore.
*3 things never to mention in a conversation--Oh, man, I am DEFINITELY not a reliable source for etiquette information!
*andrea's affair with andrew--Now this one was looking for some SCANDAL. Not too much of that going on in our lives. (knock on wood)
*athlete duane's syndrome AND *dr. buckley duane's AND *duane's syndrome vrt--I was actually very happy to see these hits. It is hard to find info on Duane's Syndrome and I would be happy to help another parent who is dealing with this. I guess they need to be brave and post a comment or question if they actually want any advice, though. Maybe they figure I already share enough on the blog.
*sandelwood keep mice away--Have I ever written about sandelwood? I don't even know what that is.
*baby's face looks funny at 12 weeks scan--I guess I'm not the only person out there who thinks this!
*top 10 gross men sweat moles hairs--Ewwww....someone is actually searching for this???
Here are some of the other random searches that found me:
*alternate names for a toilet
*feed a zebra
*gecko pumpkin
*glass iron corning
*her monocular
*i can't get lasik
*just say whatever is on their minds
*trey sweat
*two wise children activities
*andrea woodshop
*batting cages bavaria
*catchy sayings about exercise
*cruise moments
*daneen spoiled pretty
*funny pictures about frequency of tooth brushing
*how to make balloon lightsabers
*photo of mom using power washer
*pokemon corning ny sale or shop
*pros and cons of being an athlete
Well, if you've made it to the end of this post you are undoubtedly a devoted reader....or the IT guy in charge of google analytics. Which search term did YOU use to find me? Or which do you think was most appropriate?
Swim team
3 months ago
Oh my,
I didn't know you could track things like that-- I guess that is why when I found an old girlfriends blog by accident through another blog all of the sudden she blocked it from uninvited guests!!
Oh well I guess my blog stalking days are over :)
Oh my gosh that's hilarious! The THINGS people search for! And now you know by your counters that part of my internet routine is to rapid-fire through all the bookmarked blogs (there are 10 or so now) and see if anyone changed anything:)
I *thought* I had all my blog settings set to "private", so hopefully no one can find it who isn't supposed to...but maybe I should get a couple of your counter links and double check...my sitemeter doesn't give much valuable information.
Sorry for the deleted comment, but it was riddled with typos...WHEN will we be able to edit comments? Grrr.
Anyway, what I'd wanted to say was that one of my most-hit-upon posts has been from the search term "Eating Like a Naturally Thin Person." Makes me feel guilty about the five stubborn pounds that I've gained since I put that post up... And now we head into the Eating Season tomorrow.
Wow. This is so funny. How do you track these things? I want to try it on my blog. Some of those searches were so very funny.
Photo of mom using power washer?? Really? These are hilarious. Thanks for posting. And hope you are all recovering after Thanksgiving and that Drew is feeling better!!
I'm one of the ones who got here googling Duane's syndrome. I know this post is *old*, but I just wanted to tell you that a read all your posts about your daughter's surgeries, and your update when she was 5yo, and I am very relieved. My 7mo just got diagnosed with Duane's, and I'm mostly not panicking, but it's so calming/reassuring to hear someone's happy-ending story. Thank you!
I'm so happy to hear that! I felt the same way when my daughter was diagnosed. It helps to know that others have gotten through it! I wish you the best with your little one. At this point, my daughter is a junior in high school and most days we don't even think about Duane's. So grateful.
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