Monday, February 04, 2008

Love notes

My friend Laurie posted on her blog about these cute little mailboxes available in the dollar section at Target. Last time we were there, we picked up a few. I decorated them with the a few scrapbooking stickers from the stash that just seems to keep growing and...Tada!

The perfect place for love notes.

I set these on the kitchen counter along with a few little printed note cards and a pen and told everyone that we could write little notes of appreciation to each other. And make sure you put up the flag when you leave one, so we're sure to check our mail. It has been such a fun experience! Brandon has yet to get it on the action--at least not on the writing end of it. But Whitney loves to draw little pictures or W's(one of the few letters she can write so far) or else she'll ask me to write little notes like, "Dear Dad, Thanks for all your hugs and kisses."

Andrew is the best. I love his sense of humor and he'll write the silliest notes to me that are good for a belly laugh every time.

I'm thinking of getting little boxes of conversation hearts and slipping them in there, too. What a fun way to make the Valentine's love last a little longer than just that one day.


Natalie said...

You guys are so cute! We actually went to Target the other day and bought like 30 of the white mailboxes for my work since one of our publications is The Mailbox Magazine. It is our logo for our company as well. I am not sure what we are going to do with them yet, but they were too cute to pass up!

Marianne said...

Too cute! I actually just read about this exact idea on another friend's blog yesterday! I love it!!!

Sandy said...

I love this idea!! I might have to keep an eye out for some of these...nearest Target...3 hours away...hmmm...may have to get a bit creative:) Maybe our dollar store has something similar...

Anonymous said...

If I wasn't sitting here in pajamas and watching the snow fallx, I'd up and go to Target right now. Maybe tomorrow when the roads are clear. Those are so cute!

Megan said...

Cute idea. I'm sure most of your laughs these days are belly laughs. (Sorry! Couldn't resist...) :)

carrie said...

love the idea! this one goes in the book for someday...

Laurie said...

They turned out darling. Love how you did it.

Carrie said...

This is such a great idea! How cute!

Anonymous said...

How do you think of these things? Your ideas are so darling.
Grandma Sweat