Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Caroline Update

I had my follow-up appt with my midwife today for my ultrasound and check-up. It went great. In the words of our ultrasonographer, Caroline is PERFECT. She is measuring in the 75th percentile for her gestational age. According to their measurements, she already weighs 5 lbs 6 oz. I have a feeling she's going to surpass Whit's 6 lbs 6 oz since she still has SIX WEEKS TO GROW. I'm just hoping she doesn't pass up Brandon's 8 1/2 lbs. Please!

Here's the 33 wk photo

Thanks for all of your kind words about my preggo body. I figure you guys are the ones I'm going to trust and not the strangers/mild acquaintances who are making the unintentionally disparaging comments. If they keep coming, I'll just print out your comments from the last couple of posts in 90 point font, tape them to my bathroom mirror, and read them over and over again. :)

It was such a relief to hear that everything looks OK with Caroline. With Brandon and Whit, I didn't have a lot of fear or anxiety about them being born healthy. But for some reason I have had a lot more of that this time around. I go through phases of being really worried that she'll be born with complications. Hopefully it will all turn out to be for no reason. My "mother's intuition" is usually a little off.


Anonymous said...

Andrea - you look stunning! I know it's hard to have someone living in you, but you really do look great! Glad everything looks PERFECT with Caroline - and don't worry about worrying - I think it's natural to worry a little bit more with each one. With the first one the thought never crosses your mind!
Mom Sweat

Natalie said...

You look beautiful! And Caroline is going to be a big healthy baby! We can't wait to meet her!

Paul-N-Daneen said...

you look good in purple

Ang said...

I think you have an adorable belly and the rest of you looks great, too. And I'm glad that things look good with little Caroline.

As far as the worrying goes, I think it just comes with age. With each child, I worried more and more. I remember when I had Jonas, we'd only had one ultrasound on an old fashioned machine (they could barely tell he was a boy at 20 weeks, let alone see any of his organs!) and I didn't have any of the blood testing, so I was really worried right after he was born that something might be wrong. (And other than a congenital case of goofiness, he seems okay to me so far!)

So this is what Moms get: weight gain, stretch marks, incontinence, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, heartburn, round ligament pain, bloating, constipation, frequent urination . . . and worry. 'Tis the natural order of things! :-)

Erika said...

You are a cutie and I've thought so your entire pregnancy:) Where did you get that cute shirt?

andrea said...

Mom and Ang--I had no clue that it was normal to worry more with each child. Thanks for allaying those fears.

Erika--That's one of those non-maternity super long Express shirts. With my coupon, I think it was fourteen or fifteen bucks. Sweet.

Sandy said...

I had no idea Express made maternity shirts...and as long as that looks, even I could probably wear that;) I'll keep them in mind for next time around, along with those belly-band things.

Heather was just peeking over my shoulder and saw your picture and asked if you were going to have a baby:) ALL MORNING she has been telling me we need to have another one...or seven...or eight.

You look fabulous, glad to hear everything is moving right along!

Destiny said...

Andy, you are one hot mama! You totally look good! Glad to hear everything is right on track.