12/3--Tonight at the dinner table, Brandon announced that he has written two songs. I had no idea. They are titled, "You're In the Traffic of America" and "Yo, Dude! You're Part of My Galaxy!" Sound like future hits to me.
12/4--Andrew read the scriptures with Whit tonight and they were talking about how Jesus wants us to help others. Whit's comment, "Yes, He wants us to help others....like if someone's house is on fire...or they're stuck in a cage." You know, the types of things we're always helping people out with.
12/12--Now Whitney has started rewriting well-known songs with her own lyrics. (I guess she couldn't let Brandon be the only songwriter in the family.)
*She is convinced that the classic children's song, "The Farmer in the Dell" ACTUALLY says, "The Farmer and the GIRL." Sounds pretty scandalous to me.
*At the end of Rudolph, he doesn't go down in history. He'll "go down and kiss DI-ary."
*And at the end of "Up on the Housetop," it's not down through the chimney with GOOD St. Nick. Nope. It's "down through the chimney I bit Saint Nick." Uh oh. Not the smoothest way to make it on Santa's good list.
*This one sounds kind of sacrilegious....I wish she wouldn't have been walking around the store singing it at the top of her lungs. In the song "Angels We Have Heard on High," there is the beautiful Gloria in the chorus followed by the words "in excelsis Deo." Nope. Whit's version says, "Jesus shelf is de-ad." Oh my gosh. Again, tried to get it her sing the right words. Why do they have to be in Latin? She decided my words were gibberish and hers were correct.
12/14--We had a Christmas party at church tonight and Santa was there. Both kids took a turn telling Santa their deepest desires for Christmas. B wished for a Nintendo Wii. Thankfully, we had a witty Santa who replied, "I think all of our wii-eaters destroyed the wii's, but I'll see what I can do..." W's only wish was for a unicorn. Are you kidding me? Alas, both children are going to wake up very disappointed on Christmas morning.
12/17--I have to give a quick sidenote before the real story here. In her prayers right now, Whitney doesn't ask for anything. They are all prayers of gratitude. Thank thee for this and that and this and that. Amen.
Ok, with that in mind...When she and I down for lunch today, there was a squirrel out on one of our trees. It was in a position as if it had been climbing down the trunk, but it was just stuck in that position. It stayed there the whole time we were eating lunch and I was asking Whit, "Do you think that squirrel is dead?" What a curious place to die. We debated about whether or not it was actually just sleeping and decided to go investigate after W's nap. (But when she woke up, we actually forgot to go outside and check it out.) Well, she said the blessing on dinner and included, "Thank thee that the squirrel on our tree isn't dead. Thank thee that it is just sleeping." Andrew and I can usually keep our composure during her prayers, but we both lost it, busting up laughing, which of course made B laugh...and W laugh. FYI, when we woke up the next morning, the squirrel was gone, so I'm thinking he really WAS alive....or a scavenger found him.
12/19--So I've shared stories over and over about how self-confident both of my kids are, right? Well, this morning after Whitney got dressed in a t-shirt and denim skirt with leggings, she did a little twirl and said, "I am SO pretty." Brandon was standing nearby and said, "Whitney, not everyone things you're pretty....but I do." How's that for a little stab in the back followed by a spoonful of sugar?
12/20--Shelley watched my kids today while I went visiting teaching. As usual, they were a good source of entertainment for her. Here are a couple of the gems they shared.
Shelley was telling Whitney how she's looking so big, like she has grown lately. Then she said, "Brandon, you look pretty much the same." He replied, "I grew six inches this year! I grew two inches playing basketball and I grew four inches at Safety Town!" I don't know where that last comment came from, but it's not the first time he has said it. Safety Town lasted for two weeks, friends, and he thinks he grew a whopping 4 inches.
Whit has been obsessed with the fact that when she grows up and gets married, she's going to have a baby in HER tummy. We talk about it almost every day. So, she was telling Shelley all about it and said, "And when I have my baby, my mom will...."
Shelley tried to fill in the blank, "Be a grandma?"
Whit: "No. She'll have OLD skin!"
She's probably got a point there.
12/20--Andrew is the official bath-giver in our family. Thanks, honey! Tonight he gave Whit her bath in our big bathtub. While he was filling it, she was digging in the bathroom cupboards and found my "sanitary supplies." She pulled one out.
W: "What's this daddy?"
D: "That's for mom."
W: "Is it a diaper?"
D: "It's kind of like a diaper."
W: "Mommies don't wear diapers! Why does she need it?"
D: "Uh....you need to talk to your mom about that."
I haven't heard any follow-up questions yet.
12/21--This afternoon from the backseat of the van, this is what I heard from B, "Mom, wouldn't it be cool if it was your birthday...AND your mom was having a baby....AND you were flying on a plane all by yourself to see your aunt...AND you had a bunch of treats to eat on the plane...AND it was Christmas...AND you got a Wii?" Wow, buddy. I'd have to say YES, that would be cool.
12/24--When the munchkins were SUPPOSED to be cleaning up their rooms (which really means go upstairs and play for a few minutes until mom and dad get impatient and come up there to be the enforcers), W found a bell. She walked around up there ringing the bell and asking for money. Hmmmm...think she's seen a few Sal Army workers this season? (It didn't work. She didn't tell us she would do the MOST good with it.)
12/24--Brandon left these cookies and milk along with a letter for Santa:
Lego too. Certainly, Brandon.
P.S. Wit wants a toy unicorn and a hair set."
12/30--Andrew's back is out again, so I ended up giving W her bath tonight. She was pretending to make me a cake. She said, "Now, what kind do you want, sweetie pie?" It was such a Southern thing to say! It totally took me by surprise.
Rob is sick so we missed out on the party too, so you weren't the only ones missing out on the fun. And I just have to tell you, your kids are SO FUNNY! Every time I talk to Brandon he cracks me up over something. Who needs TV when you have the Sweat kids to entertain you?
I think this is your best "out of the mouths of babes" ever -I'm totally cracking up! Loved Brandon's song titles, and the "Certainly, Brandon", heehee -- too stinkin' cute!!
And if it makes you feel any better...we aren't doing anything for New Years either. Instead of my husbands back going out, our water heater did:(
Whitney must have picked up "sweetie pie" from that waitress at FATZ. I think she said that at the end of every sentence. Can we say annoying??? (BOO FATZ!!! btw)
Hilarious, as always. Your kids are witty as can be (without even trying). You're doing a great thing by keeping track of all of these darling remarks.
We agree with Sandy; this is the funniest "out of the mouths", and we read every one of them.
If we knew how to put pictures on this blog, we would. Instead, check your email; there's something for Whitney.
Love to y'all
G&G Hiatt
This was so great. I love the alternative lyrics to the songs. hilarious. Whit and David have something in common! I am always correcting him as well. I guess it doesn't necessarily get better or easier to understand lyrics as you get older!
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