Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Snowball etiquette

After my last mocking post on Carolina Snow, Mother Nature decided to show me who's boss and actually gave us a "real" snow storm. We got just over an inch which is pretty good for us. (I know, I know, my Utah and Wyoming readers are belly laughing right now.)

I learned my lesson after my major faux pax last storm. We weren't about to wait until it all melted or turned into icy slush. As soon as there was an accumulation, we were outside. This made the photographing process difficult because the flakes were still falling! So, with my apologies for the poor pics, B and Whit want to share their version of how to have a successful snowball fight.

1. Check out the snow. Feel the consistency and
give it a little taste, too.

2. Shape the first snowball and smile for your mom.

3. Whit preferred to take it from the patio.
Maybe because she's closest to the ground.
Good plan, honey.

4. Aim at Dad and let 'er rip!

5. Laugh, mock, and taunt your victim after
making contact. Use caution with this step
if your victim is more than 3 feet taller than you.

6. For the older child, snowball-making is more of an
art form and is to be taken seriously. Table snow
is favored over that dirty patio snow.

7. Don't forget to follow through when you
throw your at your intended target.

8. A bullseye hits your victim
smack dab in the face!
(Bonus points are awarded if he/she is wearing glasses.)

9. If time permits, use leftover snow to make a snowman.
(Size can be proportionate to the builder.)

Note: Can you tell that "write more blog posts" was not one of my New Year's resolutions? I feel like a blog slacker, but I HAVE been keeping up with the rest of my goals. I have my first midterm for my science class tomorrow. Wish me luck!


Natalie said...

You guys are so cute. I guess snow is much more fun when you have kids to play in it with you. Otherwise you just kind of look stupid.

Joey/Denny/Emma said...

Great photos. Love the tiny little snowman. Sometimes an inch of snow is all you need to have a wickedly good time.

carrie said...

i love how your family loves to spend time together and always seems to be having fun.

oh,and good luck on that midterm!

Sandy said...

I'm thinking your "snowstorm" was more of a "snow sampler"...but I'll take your word for it:) Great pictures -- I love the little snowman! I also think that extra points should be awarded to the photographer for capturing the snowball to the face with glasses on film:)

Anonymous said...

Love your little snowman and all of the pictures - I wish I could make a flip book out of them and watch them. Good luck on your final!
grandma Sweat

Anonymous said...

Everybody stole all our comments but we'll make them anyway.
Great snowman, Whitney.
Good aim, Brandon.
Nice reaction, Andrew.
"Break a leg" on your exam, Andrea.
Love to all
G & G Hiatt

shelley said...

How is it possible for you to write more blog posts? I know you feel like a slacker, but you put the rest of us to shame. My goal is just to keep up with you!

Anonymous said...

I love Whit's little snowman! Does it get very cold there?