So You Think You Can Dance
Andrew and I are SO into this show right now. It has been our only summer show, so we've looked forward to watching it every week and now it's coming to an end. Excuse me while I wipe a tear. I know some of you have been watching it, too, so what do you think? Who do you want to win tonight? Who is your pick? Did you call in and vote?
I want Katee to win and I meant to call in and vote, but got distracted and forgot about it until it was midnight and I SO needed to get in bed. I thought Will should've won, but I think maybe Josh and Twitch were more charismatic, so they got the votes. I like Katee the best out of these final four and Josh is my next favorite. It'll be fun to see what happens tonight. Oh, and I was so sad to see Chelsea go home last week. I thought she was way better than Courtney.
What was up with Cat's dress last night? I'm a big fan of hers, but that dress was ugly. It made her look like an armadillo. Am I right?
Videos clips that I like
Here are just a few random youtube clips that make me smile and/or crack up. You may have already seen them, but if not, enjoy.
These first two are from "Improv Everywhere," a group that puts together random improv moments in public places. HILARIOUS idea. I would love to be a part of something like this, but probably couldn't keep a straight face.
Food Court Spontaneous Musical
Frozen Grand Central Station
This one I saw on Jackie's blog and every time I watch it, I laugh myself to tears. That probably shows how easily entertained I am, but hopefully you'll get a chuckle, too.
Human Tetris
When we were watching Fox last night, they had a commercial for a this same show coming this fall. Great, I'll probably end up watching it and then feeling dumber for having done so.
Breaking Dawn
If you have finished reading Stephenie Meyer's new book, raise your hand. I spent WAY too many hours with it when I should've been sleeping, but I made it. LOVED it. There were a couple spots throughout the middle when I thought I didn't like it, but by the end, I was hooked again. I'm sad that the adventures of Bella, Edward, and Jacob are over, but I was happy (if a little disturbed) with the way everything resolved.
Miss Caroline Rose
And, finally, I'll end with a couple cute pics of our little cutie. She is still changing every day it seems. She is so much happier now than she was a month ago. It is wonderful. She smiles a lot and sleeps a lot.
Swim team
3 months ago
Josh and I just sat here laughing and laughing about that human tetris bit - he kept saying, "that's kinda funny" after each one, then laughing really loud.Thanks for the good laugh! I've seen the train station one before, but not the musical - that's hysterical!
I need to get Breaking Dawn still. I accidentally read some MAJOR MAJOR spoilers a friend wrote this morning -I'm so wishing I hadn't, cause now I know what the disturbing things are...grrrr...still want to read it, though!!
I love that last picture of Caroline! So cute.
I finished reading Breaking Dawn on Tuesday and even went to a midnight release party with a couple of my friends Friday night. I loved the book! I'm not sure if you're worried about giving spoilers away, but what did you think was disturbing? Well, I can maybe guess, but I liked it a lot! Twilight is the first big series I've really gotten into and I'm sad to see it end. Maybe it won't...I could forsee a book following Jacob...
Well, as you know I am only on Twilight so I'm trying hard to avoid any and all spoilers. I'm about 2/3 of the way through, by the way.
Caroline is so cute! Can't wait to see and hold her this Sunday! As for SYTYCD...I really like Katee, Joshua, and Twitch. I would honestly be happy with any of them wining. It will most likely be either Katee or Joshua. That is my guess, but I didn't vote.
Love the pics of Caroline. I am typing during a commercial break of the SYTYCD finale and Katee just got kicked off! Boo on that! She was my girl! Well, other than you, of course.
Thanks for the latest pics of the latest great-grandchild. She is adorable.
I was hoping there would be a Caroline update waiting and you didn't disappoint! Thanks - and do I have the best timing or what - calling you tonight when there was 5 minutes left of SYTYCD!
Mom Sweat
Caroline is totally working the camera. Love the bow!
thank you, thank you! for that food court musical video. hilarious! hope you don't mind, but i copied it and put a post on my blog, too. it just had to be shared!
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