*Brandon got an interim report card this week. His teacher said, "Brandon is making good progress but...." Why couldn't she have just stopped there? Why did there have to be a BUT? :) She says he rushes through everything and his work turns out incorrect, incomplete, or sloppy. She also said he still talks to much. I guess he hasn't made MUCH progress because those were the same problems he was dealing with at the end of the first grading period. I wish she would throw out a little more praise for him, but I guess she's just letting us know what he needs to work on.
*I finally made it to the temple! After being foiled on more than one occasion, I went to the temple in Raleigh this week. Big, big thanks to my friends Jayne and Diane for watching Whitney for SEVEN hours while I went. Now, those are some good friends! Jayne's mother even had to pitch in for a little while, but it all worked out. It was supposed to be our monthly women's temple trip, but it ended up just being myself and one other friend from church. We really enjoyed it. It was great for me to really focus on what's most important again. The temple always has that effect on me.
*Today was Brandon's first basketball game of the season. It was SO fun. He played basketball last year, but he was so young that it was not very competitive and definitely more for fun and to learn basics. It is still for fun, but that competitive nature of the game is starting to kick in. And it was a really good game. Before actual play begins, each player on both teams gets to shoot a free throw. They really count toward the score. Both teams scored 1 point each out of 8 shots. They play 5 minute quarters and Brandon got to play in 3 of the 4.
Maybe I should call it boy-to-boy.
He got two or three steals in the game--way to go!
I don't think that's exactly the chest pass that they'd
practice, but it worked.
Nice job on the b-ball, B-Train! He looks studly in his jersy. Today was Jonas's first game, too--although I couldn't be there since I had to take Ethan to his karate belt test. But Forrest said he did a great job and had a lot of fun.
I wouldn't worry too much about the progress report. There's always going to be something. After Ethan had a glowing parent-teacher conf, for the next three weeks in a row he received a note on his end of the week progress report that he was being "very chatty." I'm not sure if you've noticed . . . but Ethan likes to talk. Elise STILL has terrible handwriting (don't tell her I said that) and every time Jonas reads the word THE he can't figure it out until I say "remember, T H E spells" and he says, "Oh! Duh!" (But he doesn't mean "duh" duh. That's just how he says "the.") So there's always gonna be something!
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Cool basketball action shots! I'm glad Brandon's team won their first game -- he looks like a natural:) And I wouldn't stress too much about Mrs.Report-Card-Grumpy-Pants. I think some teachers take their jobs WAY to seriously and forget that its KINDERGARTEN and the kids have only been in school for a couple of months in their entire lives. Its not even Christmas break yet...he's got a couple months to become the perfect student:) Plus, I'd rather have the kid who rushes through his work and talks too much than the kid who just sits there and does/says nothing at all. Or, from my repertoire of less than favorite students...there's the kid who climbed a tree on the playground and pooped...or the kid who stole other kids lunches...or the one who had smelly cheese breath all the time--see, it could be MUCH worse:)
Sandy, you really know how to make a mom feel good! You're right. It could be a lot worse. Thanks. :)
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